Embark on the journey of a samurai trapped in a world teeming with relentless enemies. Unleash your blade in a dance of death, and immerse yourself in Sekiro-inspired deflection focused combat, where precision and timing are your only allies. 

And remember that "To attack, is to expose oneself".

====> HOW TO PLAY <====

Use WASD to move.

Dash using x button or mouse click. 

Attack the enemy by dashing the moment his strike lands. (Hit him at the same time that he hits you.)

====> JOIN US <====

This is your chance to be a part of Dashkill's development! Play the game and let us know what you think in the Discord: https://discord.gg/wDgTUcCBYJ

Note: If you're looking for the original (discontinued) version of this game, you can play it here.